~CANCELLED~ Introduction to Mendeley Desktop

Register viahttps://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8470320238739762191

Mendeley Desktop is a free web and desktop reference management software that helps you stay organized with all of your citations, including PDFs! In this session you will learn how you can use this free, easy to use program to quickly organize all your PDF articles, generate bibliographies in a variety of citation styles and cite while you write. Note: This session works best for Windows users, as Mendeley Desktop does not support macOS above 10.14 (Mojave). Mac users wishing to use Mendeley should attend the Mendeley Reference Manager session instead.  

In this session, participants will:

- Learn about the different features available
- Discover different options to import PDFs
- Edit details and add entries manually
- Use Mendeley to organize PDFs
- Add citations into Word with the Mendeley Word plug-in

Thursday, November 18, 2021
10:30am - 12:00pm
  GradSteps Workshops from the Libraries